Grape - OB Fruits 100ml
Grape - OB Fruits 100ml is an expertly formulated grape flavour smilar to nasty ASAP Grape, granting it an exceptionally savory flavour profile suitable for all-day vaping.
Each bottle is a 100ml shortfill, VG/PG 70/30 for a perfect balance, with 0mg nicotine but with room to add 2 nic shots if desired, which are included free!
At OB Vape, we hold immense pride in being an authentic Irish brand. We have been intricately developing and refining our wide range of e-liquids for over two years. In collaboration with companies in Ireland and the Netherlands, we have truly created something special.
Our unwavering commitment to quality, mastery in craftsmanship, and quintessential Irish spirit are encapsulated in every drop of our premium e-liquids.